Former Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Farah Maalim has identified poor leadership as the main obstacle to Kenya's economic development.

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He said Kenyans are being led by 'school dropouts' when the best people who can redeem the country from poverty are serving in top corporations or teaching in the local universities.

The former Ladgera MP named Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i and his Education counterpart George Magoha as few individuals in government who can move Kenya to greater heights but noted they were in 'captivity'.

"All the people who would have led Kenya to unimaginable heights are either in boardrooms running corporations or teaching in lecture halls. We are at the mercy of school dropouts at the centre and in counties too. GOD save Kenya. The few like Magoha, Matiangi etc are in captivity," he tweeted on Friday.

In another post, Maalim opined that Kenyans have been expecting that they will be liberated from poverty by a scion from rich political families, but they have been disappointed by the current regime.

He said President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is being supported by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, carried hopes of many citizens, but has proved to be another let down.

Uhuru is son of Kenya's founding President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta while Raila is son of first Vice President Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

"The era of deceptions has finally come to an end. For donkey years Kenyans hoped for salvation through wealthy privileged Princes but it has come to pass. Uhuru/Raila have in a few years gulped the full glass of trust. Wanjiku will only trust 4 helm peasant ideologues come 2022," tweeted the ex-legislator.