It was song and dance in Kisumu on Wednesday afternoon after the Kisumu Court of appeal dismissed two election petitions against two Members of Parliament (MPs).

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Judges Erastus Githinji, Jamila Mohammed and Hannah Okwengu dismissed election petitions against Bomachoge MP Charles Miruka and his Likuyani counterpart Dr Enock Kibunguchy.

While delivering the ruling on behalf of his colleagues, Justice Erastus Githinji ruled that Jeremiah Nyangwara Matoke who appealed against Charles Miruka filed the petition after the stipulated 30 days. 

The same fate befell Evans Nabwera who appealed against the election of Dr Kibunguchy.

The MPs supporters fell into song and dance shortly after the rulings.

The two petitioners had moved to the court to challenge the MPs election on grounds of irregularities during last year’s general election. 

“We are now done with this journey of cases. We now have to come together and work for the people of Likuyani Constituency,” said Dr Kibunguchy shortly after the ruling.

“Our first victory was during the election, the second victory was in the High Court of Kisii. Now today we are here to celebrate our third victory in the Court of Appeal in Kisumu. I want to give special thanks to the Almighty God for this special day,” said Bomachoge MP Charles Miruka. 
