Political analyst Mark Bichachi has advised Deputy President William Ruto to be very worried with the union between Baringo Senator Gideon Moi and Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

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Joho on Saturday met retired President Daniel Moi at his Kabarak home in Nakuru.

Noting that the two must have a joint political ambition in the 2022 general elections, specifically in the presidential race, Bichachi stated that the union will either make or break the DP who is as well in the race to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.

He stated that the contest will test Ruto's dominance in the vote-rich Rift Valley region, adding that he will as well have the opportunity demonstrate his national appeal and influence should he succeed in invading Joho's Coast base.

''The union, should it play out as expected, will answer the question on whether Ruto has locked the Rift Valley region since Moi's KANU still brags of some presence in the region,'' said Bichachi on KTN News' Sunday Edition on Sunday.

''I hope to see each camps make inroads into each other's perceived strongholds, with Ruto proceeding to get votes at the Coast where Joho hails from and see both teams get into other regions deemed to be under other leaders,'' he added.

This, he said, will be proof enough that the nation is making steps towards escaping the tribal pattern of voting it has remained trapped into for a long time.