Deputy President William Ruto has once again asked Former Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka to reconsider working with him before 2022. 

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Speaking at the funeral of former Cabinet Secretary Cleopas Mailus’s mother,  Ruto said that he is ready to work with development-oriented leaders like Kalonzo as he seeks to ascend to power in 2022. 

He said that Kalonzo is hard working man who assisted President Uhuru Kenyatta rise to power, adding that working together is the best thing that can happen at this time of the year. 

Ruto also noted that he regrets not telling Kalonzo that ODM leader Raila Amolo Odinga stood no chance of rising to power.

“The only mistake I made is that I failed to tell Kalonzo their candidate would not become president, Stephen, I helped Uhuru become president twice and he is about to retire, my friend, lets walk together… “Ruto said.

On his part, Kalonzo said that there is still time for him to think whether he can work with the second in command. 

The Wiper leader affirmed that his party will continue working with President Uhuru Kenyatta until he completes his tenure in government.

Both Kalonzo and Ruto have expressed their interest in the nation's top seat before the end of Uhuru's term.