It has emerged that Deputy President William Ruto will finally he attending the interdenominational political rally that was initially scheduled for Muranga County before it's postponement some two weeks ago.

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The DP is also set to be accompanied by over 100 Members of Parliament allied to him, in an apparent show of political might by the DP who is expected to attend the function ad the chief guest.

As of Wednesday, over 132 lawmakers had confirmed their attendance in the function set to be held in Kimorori Trading Center in Kenol and set to be presided over by 15 clerics from churches drawn from the area.

According to Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro who will host the function, over 150 MPs are expected to attend the function which he said will be used to demonstrate that the DP enjoys massive backing in Mt Kenya region.

“The message we want send is that Ruto has a following and support from all regions of the country," he was quoted by the People Daily.

However, the DP's Spokesman David Mugonyi has contradicted Nyoro's remarks, denying having any knowledge of a prayer rally.

“I have been saying this since two days ago that we are not involved in the planning of prayer meeting or rally in Murang’a. I am not aware of any such meeting,” said Mugonyi.

MPs expected to attend include Aden Duale (Garrisa), David Gikaria (Nakuru East), Joash Nyamoko (North Mugirango) and Sylvanus Osoro (South Mugirango).

Others include Mululu Ijendi (Malava), Emanuel Wangwe (Navakholo), Sabina Chege (Muranga), Senator Mithika Linturi (Meru), Janet Nangambo (Trans Nzoia), Cate Waruguru (Laikipia) and Richard Tong'i (Nyaribari Chache).