When you talk about the current beauty trends, a curvy body tops the list followed by skin complexion. In Kenya, Kamba land has a good selection of naturally blessed women. These women have well-exercised butt muscles that make them attractive and envied by fellow women. You should note that the following muscles are critical for you to have an admirable "behind" like a Kamba woman.

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1. Gluteus Medius

This is a muscle that will help you avoid chemical enhancements to have a bigger butt. You will have a toned body that many will fancy. It is also worth noting that it is the muscle responsible for stabilizing your hips. Lack of exercise of these muscles leads to you having unnaturally dropped hips. Try Lateral leg raise, Side-lying clam, Cable hip external rotation, and Donkey kicks among other exercises to keep these muscles healthy.

2. Gluteus Minimus

Maintaining a great upper part is fancied but needs some exercise. They are critical in hip extension via working out. You are advised to try Lateral Branded Skips, Lunge-To-Knee Pump, Side Banded Ninja Kick, and Squat Banded Knee Tap to achieve this dream beauty look.

3. Gluteus Maximus

This largest butt muscle usually affects your hind shape. They deserve Barbell Squats to grow bigger and this will be noticed externally. You can also try dumbbell lunge, glute presses, Romanian deadlift, and hamstring raise.
