January is always a tough month, and this was not exceptional.

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The financial struggles that come with a new year and relationship problems should not cross over to the new month.

 February being a month of love, ladies should be happy and not stressed by anything at all. 

There is a specific type of men who have zero input in a relationship. 

For lack of a better word, we may refer to them as deadbeat. 

It is hard to tell who the man in the relationship is in such affairs. 

Here is a list of men you should avoid this new month:

 1. Men who visit empty handed

 If you have a man who usually comes to visit empty-handed, it's time to kick him out of your life. 

Such men will come to your house on Friday, but by the time they leave on Monday, nothing is left in the kitchen. 

Most of them are characterised by their huge appetites. 

2. Men who don't give gifts

It's exactly two weeks to Valentine's day, and you have this man who will never surprise you with a gift. 

Imagine how awesome it is to open a gift box, but you will just be witnessing your friends receive their gifts. 

Such men don't deserve to be in your life; you have to move on my sister.

3. Men who don't have a specific place to call home 

The 'women eater' who doesn't have a specific place to call home. 

With the recent terror attack in the country, you could be an Al-Shabaab bride. 

My sister, you could be dating a criminal. If someone doesn't have a house, let him look for one before dating you. 
