A controversial pastor from Malindi has warned political leaders from inciting the public against his church. 

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Pastor Paul Mackenzie said that he will not entertain intimidation from Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa and several MCAs, adding that he will take action against the MP and other politicians. 

Jumwa had threatened to rally the public to storm the church over claims of radical teachings that have allegedly caused many children to abandon school after being brainwashed that education is God's plan. 

She also blamed him of bribing security agencies so that his church that has been widely condemned is not closed down. 

The MP said, “It is absurd that despite having been arrested about three times and charged, the pastor is still scot free and continues with his work of radicalising school children."

Mackenzie added, “Anyone feeling offended about my teachings in accordance to the scripture, let them go to court and produce evidence, I am not afraid to serve my God."

In October 2017, police officers raided the church and rescued about 93 children and arrested the Pastor and some members of the church. 

Mackenzie was later taken to court and charged with promoting radicalism and teaching children in an unregistered school at the church. He denied the offences and was released on a Sh500,000 bond with surety.