Leyla Mohammed, the 13-year-old girl who entertained President Uhuru Kenyatta at Bukhungu stadium, managed 308 marks in recently released KCPE exams.

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At Kakamega, thousands cheered the St Teresia Girls Primary School student as a thrilled Uhuru called summoned her to where he was seated.

During the celebrations, Leyla performed the legendary 'Wimbo Wa Historia' song, which hails all heroes at independence.

"Congratulations to Leyla Mohammed, from Eastleigh, who performed a rendition of the patriotic song 'Wimbo Wa Historia' during this year's Mashujaa Day Celebration.

"She scored 308 Marks #KCPE2018 despite the immense national pressure and attention. @AMB_A_Mohammed @MPyusufhassan," tweeted Ahmed Mohamed, an Islamic scholar.https://twitter.com/Asmali77/status/1065244332951826432?s=19.

The song was trending on social media and celebrated DJ Pinye is credited for mentoring the little girl with amazing vocals.

After performing the electric song, Leyla's humble background at Eastleigh was unearth by the media, with sources revealing that State House could chip in to help her in the studies.

So powerful was her voice that even First Lady Margaret Kenyatta could not hold back her joy after the performance.
