It is a dream of every parent to bring up their children in a way that they live well with others. 

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Children who have empathy have good relationships with others, they do not engage on any type of bullying or cruelty since they are compassionate of others.

Here's ways you can foster empathy in your child as a parent;

1. Make caring for others a priority

Teaching your child how they should value other people's perspectives and showing compassion helps in fostering empathy in them. 

It is also very important to tell your child that he/she should prioritize other people's happiness.

2. Empathize with your child and model empathy for others

Children in most cases learn from what they see their parents do. Empathizing with your child especially when they are having rough moments tends to improve their trust in themselves and also helps to develop interests in their lives.

Your child will also appreciate and respect his/her individual personality as well as those of other children. Your child will also learn empathy by watching how you appreciate and treat others.

3. Provide opportunities for you child to practice empathy To develop and nurture empathy in your child, take your child to places he/she will be able to interact with other children. Such opportunities can be family meetings, encouraging school groups and also in playgrounds.