Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli is a man who does not need any form of introduction. Atwoli has been very vocal on matters affecting the employees in the nation. He has also been a strong critic of different politicians with selfish interests.  There are many things you might not have known about Atwoli’s private life. Here are four interesting things you didn’t know about Atwoli.

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1. He has 17 children 

During an interview on Citizen TV, Atwoli revealed that he has cows, 17 children of his own and 74 children who are not biological. The unionist said he was a proud father.

2. He wears a Sh. 5 million watch

 Atwoli revealed that he wears a watch worth Sh. 5 million. He said that his watch is often undervalued, adding that he purchased the same in Switzerland. “People are claiming that my watch is worth Sh2 million. They are undervaluing me. My watch is worth Sh5 million ... it is a Frank Muller original bought in Switzerland. You must have a certificate to own this watch. It's pure gold which I paid for in installments." 

 3. His first salary was Sh140

 At first worked as a technician at the East African Post and Telecommunications in June 1967 where he used to earn Sh. 140.  He was also paid a house allowance of Sh. 40. He, however, lost his job in 1986.

4. He was not happy when his first wife joined politics

Atwoli's wife Roseline joined the race for a parliamentary seat in 2017. Atwoli admits he was not happy with the idea. "The reason I asked her not to pursue politics was that I needed somebody to take care of me. Since she joined politics, I married Kilobi so that she attends to me," he said.