Narc Kenya party leader and former Gichugu MP Martha Karua has criticised legislators over allegations of accepting bribes.

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Karua wants the lawmakers investigated and stern action taken against those found culpable.

She said that MPs linked to the bribery claims should not be spared in the war against graft, adding that they are a let down to Kenyans if indeed they took the bribes.

The vocal politician said allegations of bribery are serious, adding that the Director of Public Prosecutions should go for the culprits.

“It is so shameful that some MPs can accept to be bribed and shoot down a report that has the interest of Kenyans. They must tell us on whose interest they are working for,” she said during an interview on KTN News on Monday.

The former MP said that unless stern action is taken against the rogue lawmakers, the vice will remain rife.

She asked the Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi to put his House in order by taming rogue lawmakers.

A section of MPs is on the spot over allegations that they accepted bribes to shoot down a report on contraband sugar.

The MPs opposed the report that was tabled in parliament last Thursday.

Pressure is now mounting on investigative agencies to launch a probe into the matter.

Speaker Muturi says that he has invited the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and the National Intelligence Service (NIS) to probe the matter.