Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli has repeatedly called upon the nation to amend the constitution to prolong President Uhuru Kenyatta’s term.

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This, he reiterated on Wednesday, when he appeared on JKL on Citizen Television, after a similar proposal earlier in May, terming Uhuru ‘too young to go home’.

Though juicy and lucrative, Uhuru will have to labour to decide whether to support or reject the proposal, as it has equal measures of both advantages and disadvantages.

Accepting the proposal and supporting it should the vocal trade unionist realise his push for the changes will land him in trouble with his deputy William Ruto who is already preparing to succeed him.

The two are reported to be riding on an agreement that Ruto takes over after Uhuru’s retirement in 2022, a deal apparently struck in the course of their 2013 union.

This will portray Uhuru as an ungrateful person who is unwilling to keep his side of the bargain and will also financially injure Ruto whose weekly fundraisers are openly aimed at bettering his chances.

It will as well land Uhuru in the league of his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni who remains unwilling to leave power, soiling the legacy he is striving to leave and might portray him as a power-hungry dictator with time.

But on the other hand, the proposal is sweet and means that he will continue enjoying the privileges that come with the seat, including being the commander of the nation’s forces.

By remaining at the helm of the government, he will have more time to realise the corruption-free nation campaign he has since launched and see the nation succeed in kicking out the monster.

Also, he will be in a better place to personally complete his development initiatives, which cannot be completed in the few years remaining.

Finally, the additional time will enable him to choose and completely mould his successor as Mt Kenya political kingpin, as currently, no one seems keen on taking over.

Therefore, Atwoli's proposal needs more caution to consider, especially to Uhuru.
