Former editor at defunct Daily Metro, a subsidiary of Nation Media Group Casper Waithaka is dead, award-winning journalist Nyambega Gisesa has revealed.

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Mr Waithaka, whom Gisesa described as 'ever jovial', died in a Nairobi hospital on Saturday after a short illness.

The Daily Nation investigative reporter wrote: "When I was a young journalist at Nation Media Group,about 18 years old, I came to know one Casper Answered Prayer Waithaka. You were the most jovial journalist I have ever worked with. I remember when we found ourselves jobless in 2009 after Daily Metro folded, you encouraged all of us including those who shed tears that Daily Metro was not life, that we could still breath without the paper. 

"Kuleni na kunyweni. Wacha stress," you said at the farewell bash. Since then, we met occasionally and you used to call and say to me "Mheshimiwa mambo vipi." Its so sad that you no more. Wherever you have gone , charm those you meet. Make them happy. Go well my friend," he said.

Mr Waithaka is among pioneer journalists who rocked various media houses before bowing out for business after folding of Daily Metro.

His death came just a day after Tom Mshindi, Editor-in-chief for Nation newspaper, was unceremoniously fired in the pretext of retirement.
