A middle-aged man working at butchery hanged himself on Sunday in Keumbu, Nyaribari Chache constituency, Kisii County on Sunday protesting his wife's infidelity. 

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Confirming the incident area chief Benson Ogwoka said the deceased Thomas Nyamwange has been living alone in a rental house. 

"Nyamwange separated with his wife three months ago after he busted her in lodging with another man. Efforts by elders to reunite him with his adulterous wife were in vain," he said.

Mr Ogwoka said Nyamwange, until his death was working a local butchery.   

"On Sunday morning a customer who went to wake him up so that he can sell meat discovered his lifeless body hanging from the roof of the house and raised alarm," stated the chief. 

The administrator said Nyamwange before he separated with his wife threatened to end his life because his wife betrayed him after she slept with another man outside the wedlock. 

Mr Ogwoka said the body of the deceased was moved to Kisii Teaching and Referral hospital morgue.   

He urged men to stop committing suicide but, seek guidance when faced with challenges in life.