Despite the recovery of eight firearms from his homes in Nairobi and Migori after search by EACC officers, only two of the guns could land Migori Governor Okoth Obado into deep trouble.
Reports indicate that Obado told DCI five of the guns recovered in Nairobi belong to AP officers manning his expansive compound.
And in Migori, one of the gun belongs to his bodyguard, another one owned by his estranged aide Caspal Obiero who is being held at Industrial Area prison over the death of Sharon Otieno and the last one was allegedly recovered from a thug.
"Possession of firearms without license is a serious offence. The gun belonging to Caspal Obiero will have to be investigated whether it's licensed or not. After that, the governor will explain why he was keeping it.
"Secondly, he will have to explain why he kept the gun to the thug after recovering it. That's equally a serious offense that would land him into deep trouble," says criminal lawyer Wilkins Ochoki.
Mr Obado was released three weeks ago from Industrial Area prison over the death of his girlfriend Sharon Otieno and will return to court in May 2019 when the trial commences.
In her ruling, Criminal Division Judge Jessie Lessit insisted that he will not be able to apply for adjournment of the case once it begins.
Mr Obado was interrogated at DCI headquarters in Nairobi even as his lawyer Cliff Ombeta protested of what he termed as 'unnecessary harassment'.