Red eyes are mostly caused by fatigue, lack of sleep, allergy or common eye infections like conjunctivitis. However, you can do away with the red eyes at home and have them as white as you can. Below are some of the ways;

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Tea bags

Never throw away the used tea bags. Instead, keep them in a refrigerator and place them on your eyes for ten minutes. Repeat this daily and after three days you will see the result.


This is the best way to treat your red eyes. All you need is to cut a cucumber and place it on your eyes. Leave them for five minutes before removing them. Do this before you sleep for one week and you will have white eyes.

Cold water

Wash your eyes with cold water and ensure the water gets into your eyes. You can also soak a towel with cold water and put it on your eyes for some minutes and you will have your eyes white again.


Using a cotton ball dip it into cold milk and keep rubbing it on your eyes for ten minutes before stopping. Do this twice a day before going to bed. The amino acids in milk have got the anti-inflammatory responsible for curing the eyes.

Baking soda

Add half tablespoonful of baking soda to a cup of cold water and use it to wash your eyes. Keep them open and ensure the mixture gets into the eyes. Your red eyes will look as white as before.