Dating culture dictates that a man should be the one that pursues the lady, not the other way round. As much as this rule of thumb might disenfranchise the female gender, it actually has a solid background in reasoning. However, Kenyan women are faced with an insurmountable challenge; modern men are either too lazy or too afraid of responsibilities and labels. So women have instead empowered themselves by going for what they want.
As much as this play might seem liberating, it actually isn't. Here are some of the reasons why Kenyan women should stop chasing after men:
1. No happily ever after
Very rarely do relationships that begin from the point of a woman chasing a man succeed. Naturally, the pursuing party has to dictate the progress of the relationship- in this instance the lady. While the guy just sits back and enjoys the ride, this kind of situation will rarely work.
2. He probably doesn't want to be caught
Men go after what they want, especially with regard to dating. If you have to pursue a man, then the odds are stacked against you cause he probably isn't interested. If he were then the roles would be reversed.
3. Pursuit is a man's thing
Men love the thrill of the chase, a confident man will never shy away from a long drawn out pursuit. However, the opposite is true for ladies- pursuing men will drain you both physically and mentally. It's humiliating and your self-esteem can take a huge hit from rejection.
4. Little emotional attachment
Men start to form an emotional bond with a woman in the period of pursuit, the efforts he puts in to acquire and keep your attention helps in establishing both physical attraction and emotional attachment. Denying a man the chance for pursuit is risking the loss of any emotional attachments.
5. Prizes need to be won
Sounds a little demeaning, but its true. A woman should have enough confidence and self-esteem to acknowledge that she needs to be pursued. This belief in your self-worth initiates the man's intuition of conquest and adventure. Let the man win you over, free things don't command lots of respect and care.