Examination period is the worst time in the University of Eldoret and every student, including those who read for the examinations, always feel the butterflies. 

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However, there are a group of few students who are never worried about the exams, never prepared for it but when the results are released, they are the best performers. 

Here are the three unfolded ways how such students get the best grades:

Student-lecturer relationship

It is said that men will always want young ladies and campus is stuffed with a bevy of ladies of all kind. With their irresistible beauty, some of the male lecturers fall for their trap becoming their financial and academic gods. There are many student-lecturer relationship that is basically a symbiotic relationship. The lecturer must make sure that the student pass as she make his sexual dreams come true.

Through these relationships, the student is able to get exams leakage and later share it to her friend who may be in another relationship with the same agenda. But to reduce the risk of being discovered, most of the lecturers always award good grades to the students after sitting for the examinations.

Money factor

The only thing money cannot buy is life and with the current scandals in the country, there are many unfolded minor scandals that prove misuse of office among employees. With money, most students always approach lecturers for better grades. This is mostly an agreement between the lecturer and the student that after he or she sits for the exams, best grades are a guarantee no matter his or her real performance.

Lastly, some examinations done in main and town campus are always the same but done in different times. The students are therefore able to share the papers with the other group who are yet to sit for it. Through these ways, some students get marks they never deserve and the genuine performers may get affected through moderation of marks.
