Music is a growing industry in Kenya and also a highly profitable venture for the artists. More artists are emerging everyday to show up their talent and try make a living from it.
It's no exception that it's rewarding as shows are done day and night all over the country, meaning stable musicians reap big from the shows. Here are tips that can make your talent be a profitable career.
1. Have a mentor
Mentors are more than willing to help in fact excellent mentors, sit down learn from one of them and be close to them. They were where you are and would probably know how to tackle challenges you face now. Also don't forget to help the ones below you as you rise.
2. Have a lawyer and hire experts
As you want to transform your music into business, there will be cornmen and stubborn guys to make you go low. So, just have a lawyer by your side. Experts are like managers who will be there to control all your stage activities. Register with a brand, this will help you so much as you can't do all that by yourself and expect to rise fast.
3. Have a strong cheer team
If you will realize the best artist in most cases have their cheer team and would always depend on them as their number one fans.This can be your dancers, your family or friends. They will always be the first to turn up and fill the hall, remember they are your supporters and they have to buy the tickets and this gives other people gain confidence in you.
BONUS: Don't be extravagant
Their will be good earning days. Save this money, you wouldn't want to have a lifestyle of a developed artist and you are starting. Save the money and a time will come for that lifestyle don't again deny yourself that much, try to balance.
Some artist would spend all money and even end up borrowing money to record a song,avoid this as it shows you don't have a plan for your carrier and talent also will be a look down upon element from your supporters.