A middle-aged man who is also a head teacher in Nyamaiya primary school in Kisii County was on Friday evening frog matched by angry locals after he was found stealing raw maize from a shamba near his working station.

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According to some of the locals, the owners of the shamba have been raising numerous complain for the last few weeks saying someone has been stealing his maize before harvest time and that led to the owners employing a watchman to guard his property.

“The guard sat silently in the middle of the shamba and when it was around seven PM on Friday he heard someone reaping the maize and when he rushed to the place he found out it was the head teacher of a nearby school who was stealing,” said Richard Obiri a resident

 According to the owner identified as Erick Omburo, he wouldn’t imagine that the most respected head teacher would do that saying it was not the first time he has experienced that.

 “The locals were shocked to hear that it’s the head teacher who has been stealing my raw maize from the shamba prior harvesting time,” said Omburo

Confirming the incident the area Chief Joseph Mosumari said the head teacher who was identified as Isiah Onsongo is currently locked at Gesonso police awaiting to be arraigned in court.

 “There is sufficient evidence that he is the one who was caught stealing maize and we will ensure that the law takes its hand," said Mosumari