In recognition to his distinguished service to education, expansion of democratic space and public service, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology will award Raila Odinga an honary degree in Doctors of Sciences (Honoris Cauca).

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Student body Secretary General Tony Amecha said the decision was reached by the Senate ahead of December 14th graduation.

"He will be awarded Doctors of Sciences Degree on December 14th. The senate debated and passed his name as one of personality to be celebrated.

"His contribution to humanity, education and governance is impeccable and as an institution, we are very happy to have him as one of us," he said.

Vice Chancellor Prof Stephen Ogong has already confirmed the decision following publication on local dailies on Tuesday.

Mr Odinga is expected to deliver a keynote speech during the ceremony in the institution named after his father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

The former Prime Minister is aan engineer by profession and has previously served in Roads and Energy ministries.

He was appointed African Union High Representative for Infrastructural Development given his background in engineering.
