Some men are known to stray from committed relationships and marriages just because they bumped into a beautiful lady. This is normally not the case with women who cheat on their partners. 

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It is said that for any girl to cheat on her man, she must have had substantial reasons as to why she decides to do so. 

Here are some of the reasons that cause some women to cheat on their men. 

1) She wants to force change

At times you find out that you have invested so much in your relationship that it becomes difficult to leave. You wonder if you can find someone else as good or better as your current partner. Some ladies find themselves in a situation where she is unhappy with her relationship but at the same time afraid to leave the investment made. So she waits for an external force to bring chaos then she strays. 

2) You are insecure

This doesn't totally mean that you are insecure as in not confident but rather you make her feel insecure. That is, you are not dependable, reliable and to sum it all, you can leave any time. Therefore, when you constantly make her feel insecure she starts causing drama like giving you ultimatums. 

3) You are weak

You could be attractive, wear designer clothes, live in a flashy apartment, shop in five-star malls but if you are weak, take it for free, she will despise you. A man's strength is completely important to women. Be strong enough to meet your wife's marital expectations lest you lose her to another man.