Everyone who has been into a relationship has had to grapple with the 'ghosting factor' at one point.In definition, ghosting is when someone abruptly cuts off all communication with you without any notice. 

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When such happens, many at times we ask ourselves what may have led to our friends or partners going mute on us or rather, what really occasioned the ghosting factor.

The following are five reasons why ghosting happens:1. Someone is scared of youHave you ever been ghosted by someone? There is a probability that you scared them. You might have come on too strong talking about getting married and having children when the other person was not even thinking about it.Another reason why someone might 'ghost' you is because they think you are too possessive in a non-attractive way.2. Commitment issuesA lot of people have a wide variety of issues but this one takes the biggest share. People who have commitment issues have a hard time giving their heart to someone else.They think the other person will leave them and end up disappearing without any warning. Such people are scared of confrontation and cannot wait for a breakup. 3. Fading interestThere are people who lose interest in a relationship very fast. It starts with the late reply of text messages, a few missed calls and they eventually stop texting and calling back all together.4. Lack moralsMorals are what the African society ride on every single day. If you happen to have friends or a partner who does not confine to these morals, there is a big possibility that they will end up 'ghosting'.