Interviews may be stressing at times when you are not well prepared. Most Kenyan youths fail to get their dream jobs due to simple mistakes they make during interviews. The most common thing that fails many during interviews is confidence. Lack of confidence can cost you your job if you are not careful. You need to work extra hard on your level of confidence to outsmart your interviewers.

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The best way of boosting your confidence is maintaining a good posture. A good posture tells a lot about you. One can judge you based on your posture.

Good posture boosts your confidence in the following ways:

1. It boosts your breathing

A proper breathing is an indication that your body is relaxed and confident. Therefore, a relaxed body means that you can handle the situation you are in diligently and professionally.

2. Good posture can hide your insecurities

Maintaining a good posture is one way of hiding your insecurities during an interview. This may include anxiety, nervousness or shivering.

3. Your interviewers will take you more seriously

A good posture means you are serious about the interview. Therefore your interviewers will keenly listen to you and come to a conclusion that you are a determined and ambitious person.

4. A good posture will aid in your communication skills

Proper communication skills are very important in tackling the questions asked by the interviewers. Communication skills can also help you to express yourself clearly and effectively.