Somali’s are part of Kenya’s population and are mostly found in North Eastern counties like Garissa, Wajir, Isiolo, and Mandera.

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Somali 's are strict when it comes to matters of marriage and weddings.

They follow strict traditions in preparing for traditional and even modem weddings.

Here are interesting things about Somali wedding ceremonies.

1. Gelbis is a Somali wedding celebration where the bride and the groom are taken to the streets on a horse or cars with people singing and dancing behind them.

It is a mandatory celebration and happens at night when the wedding is over and before the bride and groom and their family dance and eat.

2. Somali wedding ceremonies are not primarily about the groom and the bride. They are about extended families. 

3. Somali's use weddings ceremonies to bond together and also strengthen their culture.

4. Somali weddings take place at the father of the bride’s home. 

It is not mandatory for the bride to attend the ceremony since her father can act on her behalf.

5. A Somali wedding has two parts (nikah) and (aroos) and the ceremony is performed by a Muslim sheikh according to Islamic law.

6. In Somali tradition, the wedding is a marriage contract between the family of the bride and groom.

7. In the Somali community, the bride price or dowry is paid in form of camels but nowadays cash is accepted.

The bride price can also be paid in form of gold jewelry and is often a form of showing appreciation and not payment.

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