The County Government of Uasin Gishu has begun the 2020/2021 project identification exercise involving residents in various wards.

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The Department of Finance and Economic Planning on Monday initiated the two-week public participation exercise which is aimed at identifying the projects to be carried out in the upcoming financial year.

Speaking during the exercise at Songolien Sub-Location, Megun Ward, Economic Planning Chief Officer Milicent Okonjo stated that the law dictates that the public must be involved in identifying the projects to be carried out.

Okonjo said that her office is there to purely offer guidance on project identification ahead of next financial year.

"We are here to guide you to identify projects and upon receiving the monies from the national government, we shall come back to you so that you can confirm that those were indeed the projects you had identified," said Okonjo.

She further explained that the projects to be undertaken will cut across all departments, adding that they will also be determined by the funds which are available.

Okonjo argued that it is better to have few projects that can be easily completed than having several projects which will stall due to insufficient funds.

"It is better and wiser to have few projects started and completed than having several projects that will drag for long," she added.

The project identification committee members who were elected by the public and approved by the county executive covered seven wards on Monday namely Kapsoya, Kipatagat, Olore, Megun, Simat, Langas and Kipkenyo.