Kamba women are among the best men love dating in the country. They will never let you down when it comes to love. These women have specific things which they look for in men before falling for them. Some are attained while others are not.

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Here are three things most Kamba women look for in a man before falling for him:

1. Good grooming

Dress cord is one of the things that can make a woman fall for you as a man. Kamba women love associating with men who are smart and neat. Many of them believe that a smart guy will always drive attention whenever they are walking on streets together.

2. Charming personality

A charming man is a blessing to any woman in a relationship. They are men who will never let their woman feel lonely and unwanted. Most of Kamba women love them since they always want to be happy in relationships.

3. Assertive behaviour

Kamba women love men who are not fickle minded. They like having men who have egos and believe in themselves. Some tend to understand that a man's behavior can determine the kind of person he will be in the future. Dealing with them will be easy and simple if you behave well since they are not that demanding.

