Kisii County chief officers have been asked to traverse the county to serve Kisii residents.
Kisii governor James Ongwae on Tuesday while speaking when he witnessed the signing of annual Performance Contract between County Chief Officers and their CECs urged the officers not to lock themselves in their offices.
"I want to urge everyone of you to go deep into the villages to know the problems facing the electorates so that you can offer solutions. Do not sit in your officers while residents suffer in villages. Be part of the development we want in Kisii county," he stated.
The county reiterated his commitment to ensure proper roads, improved infrastructures in public hospitals and proper education in the county.
He confirmed that the performance contracts will be cascaded to the Directors, sectional heads and the entire county public service as this will ensure satisfactory service delivery and accountability.
"I can not work with lazy people who will be pulling me backwards. Everyone should play his or her roles properly to ensure our people are getting best services," he added.
Ongwae noted that BBI debate will not distract him from delivering his development promises to the people.