There always seems to be a fine line that men tread between making a woman like you and completely repulsing her. Also, women are unique people on their own so something that might work in your favor in gaining the admiration of one woman might completely achieve the opposite reception in another woman.
Here are the top most turn offs that repulse every woman no matter the age or type:
#1 A showboat
Guys who can never seem to overcome the urge of boasting or bragging about their possessions in each and every conversation. No matter what car you drive, or whatever brand you wear always try to keep it cool, the moment you start showing off then your chances with a girl are reduced substantially.
#2 Lack of confidence
Women view lack of confidence as a repulsing quality in a man. They tend to get attracted to men who believe in themselves and can seem to hold their own. You may have everything in you; physique, financial stability and even good looks, but if you're not able to harness these qualities to your advantage then your chances with women will wither out fast.
#3 Talking too much
This is a quality that is purely attributed to ladies. A guy who never seems to shut up can be a huge turn off, since women like men who listen. It's advisable to be quiet rather than rumble on and on about very uninteresting topics. Furthermore, how will you listen to her if you are constantly moving your big mouth.
#4 A man without a stand
A man who cannot really commit to anything he sets out to do, is a man who women will most probably disregard. Ambition requires self drive and clinging onto your principles. It only makes sense that if you're not able to take a stand when required then chances are that you won't do it for her either.
#5 A man without ambition
Women are attracted to vision, dreams, and ambition. These simple qualities might even help her stick it out with you even when times are dire. If you are always whining about your job or you simply don't have a well-articulated plan for your life then you can be sure that all rational women will avoid you like the plague.
#6 Impatient men
The lack of patience in a man could offer a potential turn off for women. Everyone knows that ladies always take their sweet, sweet time in their preparations. Be it clothing or shopping, things are never simply that easy whenever they want to make up their mind. You have to learn to be patient during these periods.
#7 Lack of hygiene
Need I say more? Everyone, no matter the gender, definitely gets repulsed by any individual who cannot seem to maintain good hygiene. Ladies tend to admire classy men, men who are well dressed and well groomed. So if you appear dirty with a grungy beard, be sure that the number of ladies that would have probably found you charming will have reduced significantly.
#8 Turning every conversation sexual
Women don’t want to feel solely like sex objects. So using every opportunity you get to conjure a sex theme might not be a wise idea, though this might depend on the woman, when a relationship is new, a man would do best to hold off on sharing any sexually explicit stories and comments until he’s sure the woman he’s with is up for it.
#9 Ogling other ladies
It is only natural for a man to admire and sock in all the beauties that lie bare within his vicinity. However, men who stare at other women or are overly flirtatious with them may find themselves largely on their own. Simply put, women like men who are respectful enough to pretend they don’t notice other women.