There’s nothing more exciting than a new relationship in love. As enthusiastic as it might make you feel, you have to take it slow and play by the rules if you want to have a good relationship that can blossom over time into a perfect one. A new relationship demands that you learn how to hold back the excitement that ends up distancing new lovers.

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If you find yourself in such a situation then these outlined guidelines might help you face the rigors of a new relationship. They constitute the do's and donts that if followed to a tee might just help your amateur relationship endure the tumultuous turbulences that all lasting relationships have to overcome.

1. Fight the urge to linger around each other

It's always advisable to go out on dates once or twice a week, since this will keep the love and excitement on a high for a long time. But if you’re both madly in love and can’t keep your hands off each other, then you’re excused to meet each other more often, but with discrete moderation and moderate discretion.

2. Don't spill all your beans

When people meet and fall in love at first, there's always the need to be open with your lover. This excitement to tell your lover everything about yourself could be detrimental to the relationship in the long term. To avoid being a boring partner in a stale relationship, a little mystery on both ends of the relationship could be really good for the romance.

3. Give each other space

There's a tendency of new lovers to want to hang around each other for large volumes of time. This could be a good idea for the first two weeks or so. However, you need to avoid being clingy, after all you don't own your partner and both of you are two totally independent human beings. If you want to know how to have a good relationship from the beginning, learn to give each other space.

4. Man your station

This could not be emphasized enough. The relationship partners should definitely learn how to stick to their lanes. You've only started dating and don’t really know every little piece of information about each other. Right now, you’re only a small part of each other’s lives, so don’t give yourself more importance than you deserve.

5. Avoid overspending on your partner

This might sound mean but it's totally practical. When you spend lavishly on an individual then the relationship could be built on a wrong foundation whereby one of the partner stays in it just because of the money. Let them know you first before you can influence their thoughts and feelings with material things.

6. Avoid pushing the sex agenda

You should try not to coerce your partner into having sex with you before they're comfortable to do so. Good and memorable sex is when both parties communicate consent and have built enough trust to feel comfortable lying naked besides each other. No matter how hot you might be for each other, always wait for the perfect time.

7. Don't try to change your partner

When you fall in love with someone then you should at least try to get along with the programme before you start issuing ultimatums with respect to their behaviors. Instead of trying to change them to fit your requirements, learn to adjust to their habits. By restricting a lover or trying to change someone at the very beginning, you risk the chance of losing them forever.

8. Saying "I love you" too soon

These three simple words can wreck havoc in any relationship, especially so if the relationship is a new one. Both partners should steer off this landmine for a few weeks before they can come out and blatantly declare their love for their partners. Saying it prematurely can either cause awkwardness or pressurize the other partner to say it even though they really aren't sure if they really even mean it.

9. Live in the moment

It's always advisable not to place too much burden on a young relationship. Let it grow strong enough to carry the burden of life's realities. You should also have in mind the fact that you probably won’t end up with this person. However, this doesn’t mean that your relationship shouldn’t be taken seriously. Put yourself in the relationship, enjoy every moment of it, and just see where it goes.