Residents of Karare area in Marsabit County served muddy water to their county leaders during a meeting in protest of failure by the leaders to provide clean water.

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The local leaders had arranged a meeting with the residents on Monday to drum up support to establish a municipality in the county.

The leaders were, however, shocked when the angry residents served them dirty water to protest the decisions by their leaders to prioritise the wrong things.

The angry residents packed the dirty water in bottles before placing them at the “high table” where the dignitaries were to occupy during the meeting.

During the meeting, the residents demanded an mmediate solution to the prolonged water shortage they have been facing saying the county government has not done anything to solve the problem.

The residents said they are forced to travel long distances in search of water following its acute shortage in the area.

Senator Godana Hargura, Speaker Matthew Loltome, Karare South MCA Asunta Galgotelli were among the leaders present during the meeting.

MCA Galgotelli confirmed that they were served dirty water by the residents who demanded that the leaders solve the water crisis in the area.

“The area residents want piped water after suffering for long without clean water. We have always sought the opinion of the residents through public participation forums on any bills to be tabled on the assembly,” said Galgotelli as quoted by

Residents served dirty water to county leaders. [Source/ Alai]

Residents served dirty water to county leaders. [Source/Alai]