A free spirit is someone who goes with the flow of life. This type of individual is usually fully comfortable with themselves. They accept everything for what they are and go on with their day. Usually, they are very positive. Free-spirited people do whatever makes them happy, are content, & keep their cool better than most. Being a free spirit doesn’t have to be difficult, in fact it really shouldn’t be. Here are some simple steps;

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1.  It all begins in your mind. It’s true, you guys. You can’t expect to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life, if you don’t believe that you deserve it, or that you’ll ever achieve it.

2. Let go of the past. Something that has always been a huge barrier to becoming a free spirit is the ability to let go of past mistakes, and it truly makes sense. 

3.  Don’t hold grudges. I spent a large portion of my early twenties holding grudges against people that just truly weren’t worth my time or energy, yet I was consciously choosing to spend timing hating them.

4.  Take time to reconnect with nature. My biggest piece of advice is to take part in “grounding exercises”. Basically, it is the act of touching bare skin to the earth. The easiest means of doing this is to simply walk barefoot, however you can do this any way that involves touching your skin to the ground.

5.  Look on the positive side of life. Life looks a lot better when you are looking on the positive side of it. When learning how to be a free spirit, this is one of the most important steps.