Many people tend to think that when one misses her periods probably it means that she is pregnant. 

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However, this is not always the case because there are many factors that can make a woman miss her periods. Ranging from health to psychological issues, there are a variety of reasons why you could miss your periods including for the following reasons:


Contraceptives affect your menstrual cycle. This happens because you may be off the contraceptive plan which may confuse your body until it gets back to its normal cycle. 

2.Weight change 

If you rapidly add your weight or undergo a serious weight loss then, you are at a risk of missing your periods. This is because the weight affects a gland in the brain that is responsible for regulating some of the processes of the body including the menstrual cycle. 


If you are really stressed, the hypothalamic amenorrhoea, an area of your brain where hormones for your period are regulated does not perform properly making you miss your periods.

4.Working out to much 

You are at risk of missing your menstrual periods if you work out too much because it means you are pushing your body beyond what you should.