Getting accommodation in universities is one of the major challenges, students face after reporting to various institutions of higher learning.

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Most students are forced to seek alternative accommodation outside the university, due to limited hostels with the campus.

Selecting the best off-campus hostel is not an easy task, as proper research needs to be conducted before moving in.

Here are 3 things to consider before picking an off-campus hostel:

1.  Is the hostel secure? 

Security is among the most important aspects to take into consideration when it comes to selecting a residence. 

Your security should always come first, therefore, do not pick a hostel that is insecure as you risk being robbed.

 2. Distance between the hostel and your classes

The location of the hostel is crucial. You should remember that you need to be closer to school. 

When picking an off-campus hostel, always settle for the one closer to your school as this will minimise time spent walking.

3. Does the hostel have a constant flow of water? 

Lack of water can make your life unbearable in campus. You need to consider a hostel with a constant flow of water. 

Find out whether the water is also clean and safe for drinking before you pay for the hostel.