South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro has asked senior citizens in the constituency to shun politicians who may be out to cheat them ahead of 2022 polls. 

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The lawmaker while engaging with senior citizens in Chitago ward on Tuesday protested that a section of local politicians was out to lure the elderly persons with money to seek political mileage. 

"Greedy politicians may be out to lure you with money at the expense of getting votes in 2022. I urge the elderly across the constituency to shun such politicians seeking fame in politics through dubious means," said Osoro.

He assured that he will continue supporting the elderly adding that they must be accorded respect. 

The youthful MP defended his decision to back Deputy President William Ruto for the presidency in 2022 adding that DP Ruto is best suitable to take over from President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

Osoro appealed to the senior citizens to rally behind DP Ruto arguing that the monthly stipend being given to them will not be scrapped under DP Ruto's leadership. 

"DP Ruto won't ignore or neglect the elderly persons. My appeal to the elderly persons is that they should back DP Ruto's presidential bid in 2022," he added. 

He insisted that he will not abandon 'tanga tanga' team anytime soon.