The mysterious murder of Sharon Otieno, a second year student at Rongo University took an interesting twist on Tuesday after detectives went for Migori Governor Okoth Obado.

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While recording statement in Kisumu DCI offices, reports Citizen TV, Obado is said to have have subjected to DNA testing by homicide detectives investigating the murder of the slain student.

The decision was arrived at after the governor was adversely mentioned in the ongoing inquest by both the family and Journalist Barack Oduor who narrowly escaped from kidnappers.

At the Nyanza DCI headquarters, government doctors were also seen in their lab coats another possible indication that Obado's DNA had become point of interest in the case.

Last week top detective George Kinoti insisted that all those mentioned in the horrifying murder will be investigated.

Interestingly, Obado's aide, Michael Oyamo, who is said to have lured Ms. Otieno and Mr. Oduor to kidnappers, was driven to Nairobi where he's expected to be arraigned in court.

Government doctor Johansen Oduor revealed that the slain student was stabbed eight times by her tormentors.

Ms. Melinda Auma, Sharon's mother, said that her daughter was carrying Obado's child.

In her testimony, the relationship between the two had gone sour after the governor's attempt to have her abort the pregnancy failed.