Nude pics screams danger. Some ladies find it amazingly incredible to risk sending them to their guys as a means of turning them on from a far. 

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It's fun and part of intimacy but again, you need to be smart and feel comfortable as you move forward. If he likes you, he would still be yours. 

Keep this in mind before sending any man your nudes;

Not to show your face

It sounds fun swapping your underwear shots, but remember never to show your face. Photos can accidentally be sent to the wrong person and the very least to be safe is the knowledge that no one can identify you with your legs or hands.

Don't go fully naked

Some things are better left to the imaginations! If you decide to send him a pic, just show a hint of underwear or pic of your chest to get his heart racing. Avoid the whole graphic bedroom 'massacre'.

He will show his friends

Sometimes men are not as secretive as ladies. If you look too good for him, he would definitely brag to his friends and you never know their reaction. Be safe and keep your dignity intact.

Changes occur

Definitely, he is not the first guy you're dating and probably won't be the last. How will it feel when an ex cart Blanches over your nudes?