Deputy President (DP) William Ruto has affirmed that he will not stop contributing towards the development of churches as long as he remains in power. 

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Speaking during a fundraiser at Nanyuki Stadium for the Laikipia East pastors fellowship, Ruto said he gives because he is blessed.

The DP warned leaders against supporting the proposal to cap church donations at Sh100,000, stating that God will not spare them on judgment day.

Ruto said the proposal by National Assembly Leader of Minority John Mbadi is against the will of our creator. 

He reiterated that he has a right to give to God depending on the blessings he has received over the decades. 

"I want to refer you MPs to the book of Deuteronomy 8:11 which says: 'Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws, and his decrees that I am giving you this day," Ruto said as quoted by Nation.

"You will face the wrath of God if you are not careful as lawmakers. Don't be distracted by those agitating to change the Bible through Parliament," he added.

The DP has been facing fierce criticisms from leaders across the political divide because of the endless fundraisers he has been attending.