Whether you have been with her for years or the relationship is new, it is important to keep the romance alive in your relationship.

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Here are 5 romantic gestures that will definitely melt her heart.

1. Look at her

The longer a couple stays together, the lesser they look at each other. Break this norm in your relationship or marriage and make looking at her a habit. Steal a glance at her and let her catch you sometimes. It will make her happy.

2. Gentle touch

A gentle touch is a good way to show affection and this is exactly what the woman in your life needs. Try holding hands as you walk or sharing a warm hug when it rains. 

3. Play with her as you watch TV

If she allows you to touch her hair then play with it. If touching it will destroy it then find an alternative game as you watch TV. Find anything good to play with on her body including tickling her. 

4. Show that she belongs to you in public

You can do this by putting your hands around her waist at an event or a gig you decide to attend. Women feel good when their men show that you are proud of having them in public unless she isn't proud of you.

5. Let her sit on your laps during your free time

That closeness and body contact as you spend free time could do magic in the relationship. You can as well carry her around the house; she is yours remember.