The health benefits of the red fruit, tomatoes, is not new to us. It is said to cure certain types of cancer, boost our vision, strengthen our bones and improve metabolism. 

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However, too much of this common vegetable which forms an integral part of our delicacies by making it delicious can be very harmful to our bodies in the following ways;

1. Causes kidney stones

Tomatoes are rich in oxalate and calcium. When these substances are introduced in excess to the body, it is not easily eliminated from the system making it to deposit in kidneys causing kidney stones. 

2. Joint pains

Tomatoes contain solanine which builds up calcium in body tissues around the joints causing inflammation and pains

3. Causes lycopenodermia

The red colouring matter in tomatoes is lycopene. It is good for your vision but too much of it is bad to your skin. Excess lycopene causes your skin to turn deep-orange a condition called lycopenodermia. This is not risky but surely can damage your esteem among peers.

4. Causes heartburn

Since tomatoes contain citric acid and malic acid, it makes the stomach to produce excess gastric acid which in turn causes heartburn or acid reflux. This causes stomach upset as the digestion process interfered.