Several factors have emerged to threaten the peace and stability of relationships nowadays. People get into relationships hoping that they end up in marriages but this never happens. Why?
1. Disloyalty
Disloyalty simply means not valuing and not staying faithful to your partner and your relationship. Infidelity and pretence have taken over relationships today hindering faithfulness thereby leading to relationship breakage.
2. Communication
No relationship can survive without healthy communication between the two partners. Communication is key in any relationship in that you get to resolve issues and talk over matters that are important to the two of you.
3. Trust issues
The lifespan of every relationship depends on how much you trust each other. When lack of trust becomes a matter of concern, relationships are bound to break. Without trust, a relationship lacks safety and security.
4. Different expectations
Expecting your partner to make you their priority when they have you as an option makes things unbearable in any relationship. Having too much or different expectations from your partner causes disappointments.
5. Ego
Ego is the feeling of wanting things to only go your way; you only give priority to yourself while ignoring the efforts of your partner. It is actually the leading relationships killer and puts a lot of people to unreasonable suffering.