Before walking her down the aisle, a family always ensures that they raised an upright girl. As such, there are pieces of advice girls are often given among the Kalenjin community to ensure that they make the family proud. 

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These are: 

Make your mother proud 

In the present age, sex is no longer so sacred that it should wait till marriage, at least for many – if not all – youths. However, the person who bears the consequences in case of a pregnancy is the girl and in such a circumstance, blame is always on the mother, not the father. As a result, Kalenjin ladies are asked to make their mothers proud by avoiding such a circumstance. 

Finish your education before marriage 

It is said that all the tangible property has the potential of being destroyed but not knowledge. A girl is often exhorted to study as far as she can before making a decision to settle down. Nowadays most young men do not want to settle down with an uneducated girl. 

Get a job before marriage 

Even though the Kalenjins are highly patriarchal in the case of responsibilities, a working woman helps in more than one ways. A lady with her own money has options. When the man of the house slackens, she can take care of her children. Other than that she can take care of small bills such as hair, clothes, and food while the man concentrates on bigger bills such as school fees. 

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