Deputy President William Ruto is arguably one of Kenya's finest politicians and the one who clearly has stated he will be in the presidential ballot come 2022.

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Renowned political analyst and University of Nairobi lecture Professor Herman Manyora through his weekly YouTube release indulged on how DP Ruto will make his enemies 'suffer' should he win.

According to the analyst, there will be two teams heading to 2022 elections,  those who are for handshake led by Uhuru Kenyatta and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and those against the handshake led by Deputy President William Ruto.

The analyst states that should DP Ruto win,  he will have to 'finish' the enemies in order to have ample space and time to lead the country.

"He (Ruto) will take upon himself to ensure that he has kind of finished all these people,  not, of course, killing them, but he will finish them politically and economically," said the professor.

The analyst argues that when someone is in power, anywhere in the world, they have the ability to deny some people government business and connections.

The lack of government goodwill will, therefore, finish anyone economically and politically in the country.

"If the man at statehouse suffocates you,  if he turns off the taps,  he will clear you,  and that is what is going to happen(should Ruto win the presidency)," the analyst opined.