From all corners of the world, single moms are bashed and accused of all the ridiculous stuff.

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Married women will claim that they are stealing their husbands, the society thinks they are irresponsible and friends believe that they raise spoiled kids.

While they bear all the burden and brace themselves to put food on the table and raise their kids like other parents, their children also have a cross to carry.

While at school and playing with other kids in the neighbourhood, they don't have it easy.

Here are some of the struggles that single moms' children go through when growing up:

1. What's your father's name?

Everyone raised by a single mom knows how this feels. The teacher will innocently ask to know your father's name at school because identifying yourself with your father's name is the custom. So, as a kid, you innocently respond that you have no father. The teacher feels some guilt but the kids are left whispering wondering what happened to your dad.

2. Did your father die?

Honestly, you have no idea whether he is dead or not. But the kids won't stop pestering you until you give them an answer. But what do you tell them? 'I don't know' you respond with a don't care attitude so that they can at least let you be.

3. Everyone talks about their father

'My dad bought me new shoes' one kid says. 'My dad will take us to Mombasa when schools close' another one adds.

So, everyone is talking so fondly about their dad. Each kid is trying to show that their dad is the hero but what the heck are you gonna say? You just sulk at the corner feeling completely out of place. 

4. How come you have two vernacular names?

I can't count the times I have had to deal with this question. Actually, I no longer make the effort to explain that one is my middle name and the other is my mom's name. For boys, it's even worse because they have to explain to everyone why they drag a female name on their IDs.

5. How does she make it raise you all by herself?

Well, single moms too go to work and they earn money just like other Kenyans. In fact, they work extra hard because they count on no one else for support. But then, people make it look like they must have a "sponsor" to support them financially which is a big misconception.

6. Everyone acts shocked

'Ooh, so you don't have a dad? Poor soul'. Heavens, it's ridiculous how people react when they hear that you are raised by a single mum. It's like a lion just roared at the backyard. But hell Nah, that's not the most bizarre thing you will hear in your life. I mean, there are other more shocking revelations like discovering you have been eating dog samosas, don't you think so?