Firebrand Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter pleads with President Uhuru Kenyatta to launch investigations into the debacles surrounding maize farming, insisting that DP William Ruto is the secret face behind it.

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In a hard tackle on Saturday, Keter, buoyed by Silas Tiren (Moiben) and Joshua Kuttuny of Cherangany, said the DP should be investigated and possibly prosecuted for the predicaments.

"The maize and fertilizer problems are orchastrated by DP Ruto and his office. Mr President investigate these people and put them behind bars," said Keter.

He added: "You are our only hope. Let these people face the law. They want to crucify us but we shall die with the people. They are only interested in 2022 which they have after all started on a wrong tract."

According to the second term legislator, Ruto is keen to sabotage maize farming since he's 'planting 500,000 Ha of maize in Congo'.

"We know they are planting maize in Congo and have a factory for avocado in Botswana. That's why they want us to surrender maize farming."

Last month, a furious president Uhuru Kenyatta demanded investigations into the loss of billions from NCPB and openly fired at Agriculture minister Mwangi Kiunjuri.

While Ruto is yet to respond to the latest claims, Keter and his team have also warned him against early campaigns ahead of 2022 polls.
