A-35-year old man has been lynched in Masii, Machakos County.

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The irate members of the public on Sunday killed the man for allegedly hacking a bodaboda operator to death.

They claimed the deceased killed the bodaboda operator along Masii-Tawa road sometime back.

The suspect is said to have waylaid the bodaboda operator before hitting him with a panga killing him on the spot.

The incident was confirmed by Mwala deputy county commissioner Henry Kimathi who condemned the mob for taking the law into their hands.

He said residents should desist from acting in rage and learn to follow the right channels when seeking justice.

"Mob justice isn't justice, people should know the police and courts are there to deal with criminals and follow the right procedures to ensure justice is served," Kimathi said.

Kimathi spoke to this writer on the phone.

He warned that mob justice is against human rights hence whoever is found engaging in it won't be spared by the law.

The Man is suspected to be of unsound mind due to drug addiction.

The body was removed to Machakos Level Five Hospital's mortuary.