Garissa Township MP Aden Duale on Monday hosted Muslim leaders at his Parliament office.

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The leader of majority in the National Assembly discussed several issues with the Muslim leaders and clerics.

In the meeting, the MP and the Muslim leaders discussed about the Supreme Court ruling on hijabs that has elicited sharp reactions.

The MP with the Muslim leaders are said to have agreed to push for review of the ruling.

They termed the ruling as discriminating and meant to curtail the freedom of Muslim students.

Duale and the Muslim leaders also discussed about the upcoming August census.

A section of Muslim leaders has been vocal calling for fairness in the census exercise.

The meeting also discussed radicalisation of young people in North Eastern and other parts of the country with the leaders promising to support the government fight against terrorism.

“We discussed important issues to the Muslim community among them wearing of hijab, 2019 census, referendum, working with government agencies in the war against extremist ideas and support H.E.@kENYYATA initiative to unite and reconcile the nation,” Duale tweeted.

Duale is pushing for a parliamentary system which he says is best for the country.

The Garissa Township proposal for parliamentary system has, however, been opposed by a section of politicians among them Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria.

The debate on a referendum continues to gain momentum with majority of politicians across the divide supporting it.

A section of North Eastern region leaders has vowed to oppose the referendum push.

The leaders argue that a referendum is not a priority and that the focus should be on uniting the country.
