Sure enough, everyone has had an experience where you really struggle to untangle your earphones/chains and at times it gets so frustrating that you even choose not to wear them.

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This gets even worse when you keep your earphones and chains together because untangling them now becomes almost impossible.

You can avoid all the headache by using a straw to do the magic. Take the straw or straws depending on the number of chains you need to be separated.

But your tangled chains slowly inside the straw. Hold both ends and shake gently. Open one end and slowly pull the chains out. The chains come out untangled, hence all you need to do is separate them.

The next hack is by use of Johnson’s baby powder. You can get this in the supermarkets or from any baby store. Put your tangled chains in the powder and shake to ensure they mix.

Now take your chains out and you will realize its easier to separate them, as the powder makes them untangle. After this, use a needle to pull each from one another. These two hacks will save you the stress and wastage of time, especially when you are headed for work or important appointments.