Murang’a Senator, Irungu Kang’ata found himself in hot soup when he said that the Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is indebted to Deputy President William Ruto and he should support him in his presidential bid come 2022.

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“Kitendawili!Pia msisahau huyu hustler anaitwa William Ruto. Raila alipigana na Ruto 2013 kweli? 2017 alipigana na Ruto kweli? Nawaambia hakuna at any moment Raila alipigana na Ruto. Kumbuka,aliwekwa ndani juu ya baba. Kumaaanisha tafadhalini,mlipeni hiyo deni hata yeye aonje kakitu.’’

ODM Chairman John Mbadi responded to this and said that Senator Irungu should not tell them to pay any debt. 

He added that they cannot elect leaders who have no credibility and are not ready for their wealth to be evaluated to determine where they obtained them.

Embakasi Member of Parliament Babu Owino also told off Senator Irungu and reminded him that if it is a matter of settling debts, then the first debt which Mzee Kenyatta owed Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be settled first.

“Deni ya kwanza ilikua kati ya Jaramogi Oginga Odinga and Mzee Kenyatta.Ya pili ilikua kati ya Kibaki na Raila.They must be paid first.”Said the legislator.

The leaders were speaking in Rongo Sub-County, Migori County during the burial of the late Senator Ben Oluoch Okello who passed on last month.